To see the Gravelizer in action or receive an estimate, please make an appointment with one of our trained sales representatives. They can provide you with a personal consultation and assess your specific needs.




earth friendly

The Gravelizer is Earth Friendly. Uses no additional power source of fuel supply! Operates on Gravity alone!

increase volume
One Gravelizer can produce 2000 to 4000 cubic yards per day, as much as seven to ten times faster than traditional screening methods.

Double Profits
The Gravelizer greatly reduces overhead by eliminating the need for extra equipment. It also frees your employees for other jobs.

Hassle Free

The Gravelizer’s easy pin and go system allows you to change screen sizes with no other machine or lifting device. One man can change screens in under six minutes!


Materials Screening Revolutionized!

The Gravelizer is a revolutionary patent pending machine that screens your material directly from the bank to your truck or stock pile

Comes in a range of standard sizes.

The Gravelizer comes in various sizes and can be attached to machines ranging from minis to 110,00 lb. excavators. Price ranges from $1700 to $8000 depending on application.

Custom Gravelizer Screeing System Solutions Available!

Call for an estimate on machines exceeding 110,000 lbs.